Release Documentation


This is the release documentation for releasing a new version of screed. This document is meant for screed release managers. Michael R. Crusoe and C. Titus Brown have released screed in the past. Jake Fenton is the first to release screed using this checklist.

Getting Started

  1. Create and activate an empty Python environment:

    mamba create -n screed-rc -y python=3.10 pip make setuptools_scm
    conda activate screed-rc
    python -m pip install -U pip
    python -m pip install -U virtualenv wheel tox-setuptools-version build
  2. Start with a clean checkout:

    cd $(mktemp -d)
    git clone
    cd screed
  3. Set the new version number and release candidate:


    Tag the release candidate with the new version prefixed by the letter ‘v’:

    git tag v${new_version}-${rc}
    git push --tags
  4. Test the release candidate:

    cd ..
    virtualenv testenv1
    virtualenv testenv2
    virtualenv testenv3
    virtualenv testenv4
    # first we test the tag
    cd testenv1
    source bin/activate
    git clone --depth 1 --branch v${new_version}-${rc} \
    cd screed
    make install-dependencies
    make install
    make test
    python -c 'import screed; print(screed.__version__)' # double-check version number
    # Test via pip
    cd ../../testenv2
    source bin/activate
    pip install -e \
    cd src/screed
    make dist
    make install
    pip install pytest
    pytest screed
    python -c 'import screed; print(screed.__version__)' # double-check version number
    cp dist/screed-1.1rc1.tar.gz ../../../testenv3
    # test if the dist made in testenv2 is complete enough to build another
    # functional dist
    cd ../../../testenv3
    source bin/activate
    pip install pytest
    pip install screed*tar.gz
    python -c 'import screed; print(screed.__version__)'
    tar xzf screed*tar.gz
    cd screed*
    make dist
    make test
  5. Do any final testing (acceptance tests, etc.) A good test is to install the new version of screed and then run the sourmash tests.

How to make a final release

When you have a thoroughly tested release candidate, cut a release like so:

  1. Delete the release candidate tag and push the tag updates to GitHub:

    cd ../../screed
    git tag -d v${new_version}-${rc}
    git push --delete origin v${new_version}${rc}
  2. Create the final tag and publish the new release on PyPI (requires an authorized account)

    git tag v${new_version}
    git push --tags origin
    make dist
    twine upload dist/screed-${new_version}.tar.gz
  3. Add the release on GitHub, using the tag you just pushed. Name it “Version X.Y.Z” and copy/paste in the release notes.

  4. Update the Read the Docs to point to the new version. Visit and ‘Build Version: master’ to pick up the new tag. Once that build has finished check the “Activate” box next to the new version at under “Choose Active Versions”. Finally change the default version at to the new version.

  5. Delete any RC tags created:

    git tag -d ${new_version}-${rc}
    git push origin :refs/tags/${new_version}-${rc}
  6. Tweet about the new release

  7. Send email including the release notes to and

Notes on this document

This is the procedure for cutting a new release of screed. It has been adapted from the release documentation for the khmer project, found at