Coding guidelines and code review checklist

This document is for anyone who want to contribute code to the screed project, and describes our coding standards and code review checklist.

Coding standards

All plain-text files should have line widths of 80 characters or less unless that is not supported for the particular file format.

Vim user can set the indentation with:

set expandtab
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4

We are a pure Python project and PEP 8 is our standard. The `pep8` and `autopep8` Makefile targets are helpful.

Code and documentation must have its spelling checked. Vim users can run:

:setlocal spell spelllang=en_us

Use ]s and [s to navigate between misspellings and z= to suggest a correctly spelled word. zg will add a word as a good word.

GNU aspell can also be used to check the spelling in a single file:

aspell check --mode $filename


Copy and paste the following into a pull request comment when it is ready for review:

- [ ] Is it mergable?
- [ ] Did it pass the tests?
- [ ] If it introduces new functionality, is it tested?
- [ ] Is it well formatted? Look at `make pep8`, `make diff_pylint_report`,
  and `make doc` output. Use `make format` and manual fixing as needed.
- [ ] Is it documented in the ChangeLog?
- [ ] Was a spellchecker run on the source code and documentation after
  changes were made?

Note that after you submit the comment you can check and uncheck the individual boxes on the formatted comment; no need to put x or y in the middle.

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