Release v0.9

We are pleased to announce the release of Screed v0.9. Screed is a database engine capable of storing and retrieving short-read sequence data and is designed to be fast and adaptable to different sequence file formats.

This version of Screed features Python 3 syntax with compatibility with Python 2. Additional changes have broken backwards compatibility in several small ways in preparation for our 1.0 release and adoption of strict semantic versioning from there on out.

It is also the first release since our move to the University of Davis, California and also under our new name, the Lab for Data Intensive Biology.

Documentation is available at

New items of note:

Other bugs fixed/issues closed:

Known Issues

These are all pre-existing

  • Screed does not support gzip file streaming. This is an issue with Python 2.x and will likely not be fixed in future releases. This is being tracked in ged-lab/khmer#700

  • Screed is overly tolerant of spaces in fast{a,q} which is against spec. This is being tracked in ged-lab/khmer#108


@luizirber @mr-c @bocajnotnef @ctb *@proteasome *@anotherthomas *@sguermond

* Indicates new contributors