Release Documentation


This is the release documentation for releasing a new version of screed. This document is meant for screed release managers. Michael R. Crusoe and C. Titus Brown have released screed in the past. Jake Fenton is the first to release screed using this checklist.

Getting Started

  1. Start with a clean checkout:

    cd `mktemp -d`
    git clone
    cd screed
  2. Install/update versioneer:

    pip install versioneer

    If there is a new version of versioneer:

    git diff
    ./ versioneer
    git commit -p -m "new version of"
    # or abandon the changes
    git checkout -- screed/ screed/ \
  3. Review the git logs since the previous release and that ChangeLog reflects the major changes:

    git log --minimal --patch \
            `git describe --tags --always --abbrev=0`..HEAD
  4. Review the issue list for any existing bugs that won’t be fixed in the release and ensure they’re documented in doc/known-issues.txt

  5. Verify that the build is clean:

  6. Set the new version number and release candidate:


    Tag the release candidate with the new version prefixed by the letter ‘v’:

    git tag v${new_version}-${rc}
    git push --tags
  7. Test the release candidate:

    cd ..
    virtualenv testenv1
    virtualenv testenv2
    virtualenv testenv3
    virtualenv testenv4
    # first we test the tag
    cd testenv1
    source bin/activate
    pip install nose
    git clone --depth 1 --branch v${new_version}-${rc} \
    cd screed
    make install
    nosetests screed --attr '!known_failing'
    make test
    python -c 'import screed; print screed.__version__' # double-check
    version number
    # Test via pip
    cd ../../testenv2
    source bin/activate
    pip install nose
    pip install -e
    cd src/screed
    make dist
    make install
    nosetests screed --attr '!known_failing'
    python -c 'import screed; print screed.__version__'
    cp dist/screed*tar.gz ../../../testenv3
    # test if the dist made in testenv2 is complete enough to build another
    # functional dist
    cd ../../../testenv3
    source bin/activate
    pip install nose
    pip install screed*tar.gz
    nosetests screed --attr '!known_failing'
    python -c 'import screed; print screed.__version__'
    tar xzf screed*tar.gz
    cd screed*
    make dist
    make test
  8. Publish the new release on the testing PyPI server. You will need to change your PyPI credentials as documented here: You may need to re-register:

    python register --repository test

    Now, upload the new release:

    python sdist upload -r test

    Test the PyPI release in a new virtualenv:

    cd ../../testenv4
    source bin/activate
    pip install -U setuptools
    pip install nose
    pip install -i --pre --no-clean screed
    nosetests screed --attr '!known_failing'
    python -c 'import screed; print screed.__version__'
    cd build/screed
    ./ nosetests --attr '!known_failing'
  9. Do any final testing (acceptance tests, etc.) Note that the acceptance tests for screed are to run the khmer automated tests with the new version of screed installed and then to run the khmer acceptance tests.

  10. Make sure any release notes are merged into doc/release-notes/.

Notes on this document

This is the procedure for cutting a new release of screed. It has been adapted from the release documentation for the khmer project, found at

Table Of Contents

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Coding guidelines and code review checklist

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Release notes for past versions of screed

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