.. vim: set filetype=rst Coding guidelines and code review checklist =========================================== This document is for anyone who want to contribute code to the screed project, and describes our coding standards and code review checklist. ---- Coding standards ---------------- All plain-text files should have line widths of 80 characters or less unless that is not supported for the particular file format. Vim user can set the indentation with:: set expandtab set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 We are a pure Python project and `PEP 8 `__ is our standard. The ```pep8``` and ```autopep8``` Makefile targets are helpful. Code and documentation must have its spelling checked. Vim users can run:: :setlocal spell spelllang=en_us Use `]s` and `[s` to navigate between misspellings and `z=` to suggest a correctly spelled word. `zg` will add a word as a good word. GNU `aspell` can also be used to check the spelling in a single file:: aspell check --mode $filename Code Review ----------- Please read `11 Best Practices for Peer Code Review `__. See also `Code reviews: the lab meeting for code `__ and `the PyCogent coding guidelines `__. Checklist --------- Copy and paste the following into a pull request comment when it is ready for review:: - [ ] Is it mergable? - [ ] Did it pass the tests? - [ ] If it introduces new functionality, is it tested? - [ ] Is it well formatted? Look at `make pep8`, `make diff_pylint_report`, and `make doc` output. Use `make format` and manual fixing as needed. - [ ] Is it documented in the ChangeLog? - [ ] Was a spellchecker run on the source code and documentation after changes were made? **Note** that after you submit the comment you can check and uncheck the individual boxes on the formatted comment; no need to put x or y in the middle.