# Release 1.0 We are pleased to announce the release of screed 1.0. Screed is a biological sequence parsing and storage/retrieval library for DNA and protein sequences. It's designed to be lightweight and easy to use from Python. This version is the first with API compatibility guarantees, following the [semantic versioning guidelines][0]. Most changes are internal or API clarifications, but there is a new shell command for screed functions and an unified function for writing FAST{A,Q} records. Documentation is available at http://screed.readthedocs.org/en/v1.0 ## New items of note: - New shell commands for common screed operations: - `db` for database creation (`screed db `) - dumping FAST{A,Q} records from a db (`screed dump_fasta ` and `screed dump_fastq `). #55 @luizirber - Remove `\*_Writer` classes and unify record writing in the `write_fastx` function. #53 @standage - We now use pytest as a test runner, codecov for code coverage, and a simplified changelog format. #50 #49 #59 @luizirber @standage ## Other bugs fixed/issues closed: - Fix reverse complement problems for Python 2.7. #47 @ctb - Fix operator comparison. #48 @luizirber - Update tests & constrain behavior for screed Records. #54 @ctb - Allow sqlite3 import to fail. #56 @ctb - Cleanup user docs and code. #62 #57 @standage - Simplify use of 'open' internally. #65 @ctb ## Known Issues These are all pre-existing - Screed does not support gzip file streaming. This is an issue with Python 2.x and will likely *not* be fixed in future releases. This is being tracked in dib-lab/khmer#700 - Screed is overly tolerant of spaces in fast{a,q} which is against spec. This is being tracked in dib-lab/khmer#108 ## Contributors @luizirber \*@standage @ctb \*@betatim \* Indicates new contributors [0]: http://semver.org/